Spiegazione scientifica e scienze cognitive



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  2. Brooks, R. A. Intelligence without Representation, Artificial Intelligence, 47(1-3), 139-159, 1991;
  3. P.M. Churchland, Eliminative materialism and propositional attitudes, in «Journal of Philosophy», 78, pp. 67-90, 1981;
  4. R. Cummins, "How Does It Work?" versus "What Are the Laws?": Two Conceptions of Psychological Explanation, in «Explanation and Cognition», ed. F.C. Keil e R.A. Wilson, Cambridge (MA) e London, 2000;
  5. G.M. Edelman, Bright Air, Brilliant Fire. On the Matter of the Mind, Basic Books, 1992 (tr. it.: Sulla materia della mente, Milano 1993);
  6. J. Fodor, The Language of Thought, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975;
  7. J. Fodor, E. Lepore, Holism: A Shopper's Guide, Oxford, 1992;
  8. B.C. van Fraassen, The Scientific Image, Oxford 1980, p. 247;
  9. N. Hanson, Osservazione e spiegazione, 1971:
  10. C.G. Hempel, P. Oppenheim, Studies in the Logic of Explanation, in «Philosophy of Science», 15, pp. 135-175, 1948;
  11. C.G. Hempel, The Logic of Functional Analysis, in «Symposium on Sociological Theory», New York, 1959;
  12. M. Hesse, Modelli e analogie nella scienza, 1966;
  13. W.C. Salmon, Four Decades of Scientific Explanation, Minnesota 1989;
  14. M. Wartofski, Fondamenti concettuali del pensiero scientifico, 1968;
  15. L. Wright, Teleological Explanations, Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, 1976;



Università degli Studi di Pisa, Corso di Epistemologia ( prof. G. Tamburrini), AA. 2000-2001